Forever could never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
That there's one thing left to do
~ “Marry Me” by Train
Recently, for a work newsletter, I was asked to describe my favourite vacation memory in 100 words or less. There was a time when I though 100 words was a long essay. In this case, I felt pressured to reduce a memory down to 100 words. Still, I did it, because I am a “rule follower”. This was the result:
Without a doubt, my favorite vacation memory is of the 2009 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day. While I have fond memories of other vacations where I was able to relax and sightsee, nothing compares to a vacation spent with my sister, doing something physically exhausting and emotionally exhilarating. Hands clasped, my sister and I joyfully entered Soldier Field after walking 60 miles for a cause close to our hearts. Those three days created a lifetime worth of memories for us to share, and unlike when we go to Las Vegas, we didn't have to swear each other to secrecy.
This small success inspired me to create a far more difficult challenge. Write more excerpts from my life – but in 25 words or less. Here are some of my results:
First Concert
I was 12. My jean jacket buttons tangled in a stranger’s hair when Debbie Gibson sang “Shake Your Love”. Imagine an arena of screaming teeny-boppers.
Pet Peeve
People who don’t know public restroom etiquette. Don’t sit in the stall next to me when the rest are empty. And wash your damn hands.
Love Story
Meet boy. Kiss boy. Spend 17 months enjoying a relationship without pressure and games. And he is smart and ever-so-handsome. I am a lucky girl!
Sisters and brothers. Youngest to oldest, they are an entrepreneur, an engineer, a pirate, a social butterfly, and an academic. I love being the oldest.
Those are just a few I came up with. Soon, maybe I will be able to condense my entire life into one haiku. Who knows what wonders my future holds?
If you haven’t bought a Second Base Preservation Society t-shirt yet, please do. The Second Base Preservation Society is selling T-Shirts to support the 2010 Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day. Participants walk 60 miles over the course of 3 days and raise a minimum of $2,300 each toward the cause. T-shirts are only $15.00 each and “everyone who is anyone” is wearing one in support of the fight against Breast Cancer! I have them on hand -- and can deliver or mail them.
You can pay with a check, cash, or PayPal (direct bank transfer only). Our PayPal e-mail address is: They are available in White, Gray, and Pink! Please include $3.00 for shipping.

Also, visit our new website at:
PERSONAL NOTE: What is a “Hills Print”? They seem far more relaxing that what we were discussing previously.