26 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Current mood: thankful

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, my favourite holiday. For as long as I remember, each Thanksgiving morning has been the same. I wake up early; make breakfast; and sit down in a comfy chair to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. I always watch it in my jammies (pajamas) and wrapped in a blanket – no matter how warm it is outside. I will not tolerate people changing the station to watch anything else during commercials. I prefer the NBC coverage – but am willing to watch CBS if coerced.

Later in the day, I eat a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, have dessert at my aunt's, then go to a movie. This year, I am altering it a little, as I am bypassing the movie to go to a concert with a friend. Still, the concept is the same. Thanksgiving is a day of relaxation, joy, and entertainment with friends and family. In the grand scheme of things, these are what makes us most thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

24 November 2008

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

Current mood: cheerful

My sister and I went to Vegas. The flight out, I slept. She was harassed by a dentist sitting next to her.

The flight home was turbulent as Hell. I slept, on the shoulder of the poor kid next to me and took up the feet room of the guy on my other side. We flew Southwest so open seating sucked. I hate the middle seat.

We returned to freezing cold weather. I slept most of the day away today. We still have money, our kidneys, and our arms. We are not married.

Great trip. Going back in a couple months. Yay us!

20 November 2008

Countdown Begins

Current mood: breezy

It just gets hard to believe
That God sent this angel to watch over me
Oh my angel, she don't receive my call
Says I'm too dumb to fuck?
Too dumb to fight
Too dumb to save
Well, maybe I don't need no angel at all
It looks like darkness to me
~ "Miami" by Counting Crows

Tomorrow I leave for 3 days in Las Vegas, Nevada – Sin City. And for some reason that I cannot comprehend, I have had many people, Mi Madre included, tell me to not get into too much trouble. I lead a dull life. I do not know why anyone would think that I could find myself in any trouble while there. In fact, I commented to Mi Madre that I would "watch over" my sister while we are there, and she seemed more worried about that, stating straight out that I have a wild streak. Wha? Me? Seriously, I am so vanilla!

Plus, like in all aspects of my life, I have rules. These are official Vegas Trip rules that Kabie and I have agreed on.

1. Stay Together
2. No one gets married* (unless the person is a celebrity that will result in picture being on cover of magazine)
3. No one rides in someone's personal vehicle * (unless the person is a celebrity that will result in picture being on cover of magazine)
4. Begin drinking upon arrival and do not stop until departure.
5. No crying or drama over anyone PERIOD! * (unless the person is a celebrity that will result in picture being on cover of magazine)

Simple rules. Easy to follow. We'll be fine.

We'll post pictures after our trip.

Love y'all!

If you change your mind, you know where we'll be!

19 November 2008

Animating Along a Motion Path

Current mood: confident

I'm sorry, but I'm just thinking of the right words to say.
I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be.
But if you'll wait around awhile, I'll make you fall for me,
I promise you, I promise you I will.
~"The Promise" by When in Rome

I started out the day in my Feetsy pajamas. I love Feetsy pajamas. They are so warm and comfy. I never used to be a big PJ person; but living with another human in the house combined with the ridiculously cold weather that Nebraska is displaying, - well it creates the need for pajamas with more substance than I am used to wearing. I'd post a pic of me wearing them; but I look like a giant 5 year old. They are damn warm though. Just sayin'!

For the past two days, I have been doing a modified version of the Slim-Fast diet. Y'all know how much I love the caramel Slim-Fast bars. Well, Target was out of them; so I was forced to buy the High Protein Chocolate Chip Granola ones. First things first – they taste healthy. If I wanted a diet aid that tasted healthy I would just start eating healthier. Secondly – they are very dry. The little coating of chocolate is a teaser and doesn't actually aid in the consumption. Of course, every time I eat one I tell myself how yummy they are and force it down, just like I have to do with yogurt. I realize that the whole process could be less dramatic; but I have so little drama in my life as it is. Plus, eating these ever-so-tasty treats enables me to have 2 cans of Mountain Dew every day – which is caffeine must!

In two days, I leave for Las Vegas with my sister. I am hoping that we come back with our arms intact. Urban legend states that some girls go to Vegas and wake up in bathtubs filled with ice – and no arms! I need my arms. How else will I hug people and feed Ebie and wave? It is really fecking hard to wave without any arms. Grrrrrr. Damn arm thieves! If they make it so my dog starves and people feel unloved – I will kick some a$$. And I'll still have my feet to do so!

Back to the Slim-Fast bars – the high dosage of protein is supposed to control my hunger for "up to 4 hours". I want to see if I can hold out for at least 4 hours and 15 minutes before I eat another one. I'm a maverick like that! Pushing the limits! Going to Extremes!!!!

I want to send a shout out to my newest reader, E-Money from New York City! Enjoy the Riverwalk and Remember the Alamo this weekend!

To the rest of you, hugs and kisses!

PERSONAL NOTE: We need to talk, soon, no excuses!


17 November 2008

First Doctor Visit

Current mood: bored

I think you like to be their simple toy
I think you love to play the clown
I think you are blind to the fact that the hand you hold is the hand that holds you down
You do what you do
Yeah you say what you say
You always try to be everything to everyone
~ "Everything to Everyone" by Everclear

Saturday morning was an exciting one. Marcus Aurelius got his first oil change. 5,300 miles into owning him and FINALLY the Oil Change light went on. We arrived to the appointment five minutes early. As usual, I was hesitant to release the keys, even though I knew the O'Daniel Honda service team would take good care of him.

Mr. Service Guy took the keys and also took a minute to show me what the codes meant on the instrument panel so I knew what type of maintenance was necessary. My code was A1 – which meant an oil change and a tire rotation. I agreed to the expense and then stood there, looking at my car. Mr. Service Guy smiled, similarly to how an adult smiles at a small child who is scared, and said, "We'll take good care of him. It'll be fine." I sighed, and then walked inside the showroom to wait.

Enjoying an English Toffee cappuccino (free of charge, courtesy of O'Daniel Honda), I walked onto the sales floor to see if 'Joe Cool' was working. Luckily for me, he was. He was standing at a sales desk with another sales guy, "Man w/ a Band". Joe appeared genuinely pleased to see me and even returned my Psych DVDs, which made me happy.

Joe introduced me to 'Salesman w/ a Band' and much to my surprise, he already knew who I was and that I hate Superiority Complex Honda. Apparently, I am quite the celebrity amongst the Honda sales elite. Hee hee We sat and chatted about Marcus Aurelius and how I am now a Honda pusher to all my friends. I did not tell them that I should be charging them for advertising – as I want to encourage people to buy Hondas for their own enjoyment – not so I can collect cash.

I found out that Mrs. Cool had the baby – so now there are two little Cool Girls in the world. Congrats, Joe and family! I also found out that 'Salesman w/ a Band' has a real band and that they are performing at the Saddle Creek Bar this coming Thursday Night. Cover is $10.00 for a night of music. I am 90% sure that the band is called 'Anatomy of a Riot'. Anyway, the sales guy is cool, so his band must be. Go see him! Tell him I sent you – and maybe he'll give you a good deal on a Honda as well!

I realize that I may be a tad too attached to my car. If you knew Marcus, however, you would become just as attached. Plus, unlike most of the other males in my life, Marcus hasn't ever let me down!

If you only remember a few things from this blog, please make them be the following:

1. Only Drive a Honda – you can get one at O'Daniel Honda in Omaha, NE
2. Marcus Aurelius is a car AND a Roman Emperor
3. Thursday Night, go see the band that "Salesman w/ a Band" is in

PERSONAL NOTE: I am glad you are not dead!

I desperately need your advice.

13 November 2008

Reading this will Kill Brain Cells

Current mood: blah

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova
~ "Champagne Supernova" by Oasis

I have been suffering from Writer's Block; which explains why there are no blog entries over the past several days. It also explains why I have been unable to write any more of Eidetic Vision, even though I vowed to finish it this month. Grrrrrr.

My cousin, Jack, gave me a book once called "The Writer's Block" and it is just a cube shaped book filled with ideas and triggers to prompt writing. Lately, I haven't even been able to use that book to help me. I am not sure what the issue is. I have words in my head, but when I try to put them down on paper or on the screen, they flitter away like flutter-byes on a summer day.

Even this entry is giving me a difficult time. The words won't flow. They seem forced and contrived.

This is also why I haven't sent any cards or letters out this week. I seem to be in neutral – just not able to move forward – even though I want to. Time keeps passing, yet I seem unable to make the changes I need to make. I'm not sure if it is fear or denial or laziness.

And this inability to act has lost me two friends in the past 2 weeks. I am sure more will follow. I know, I can be withdrawn. I work really hard at showing emotion. It's just really difficult. Last week, with the help of a new friend, I pushed through quite a few barriers and actually embraced an emotion. It felt like my heart and brain did a "restart". I do prefer feeling 'something' over being numb – at least that is the epiphany I had last week.

Blah. Are you actually still reading this drivel? This is the lamest blog entry I have ever written.

I need your help. Give me a topic to write about. I'll select one and go with it tomorrow.

CONFIDENTIAL NOTE: I love you. For now and for always!

10 November 2008

Haikus for Me and You(s)

Current mood: artistic

99 dreams I have had, every one a red balloon
It's all over and I'm standing pretty in this dust that was a city
I could find a souvenir just to prove the world was here
And here's a red balloon, I think of you and let it go
~ "99 Red Balloons" by Nina

On a website, I auction off haikus and postcards for points. It's fun for me and for the recipient, as they get a cool postcard (plus 17 syllables of nonsense poetry). I wanted to share a few – in hopes it will inspire a haiku explosion! They are so fun to write that I believe everyone should write one and send it off to some unsuspecting soul who will smile upon its receipt.

Boys are dumb sometimes
Not sure why they get that way
Must be genetic

Raindrops kiss her face
She laughs as they splash her feet
Arms out; face to sky

Warm breeze; sun beats down
Children laugh in the cold surf
A day at the beach

Recently, a good friend and I had a misunderstanding and it has damaged something that was really great. As with all things, I am hopeful that it will heal with time; but I am impatient for it to do so, as I miss our candid conversations, laughter, and banter. I even wrote a little haiku to show how sorry I am:

Was hurt; but took it too far
Sometimes I do that

In the winter I tend to get dry skin. It starts off a little chapped, and then before I know what is happening I resemble a leper as my skin is flaking off with every scratch. I bought this truly amazing lotion from Bath and Body Works. It is called, "look ma, new hands". It is advertised as a softening hand lotion with paraffin. It smells citrusy and clean. I love the stuff! In high school and college, I was a sports medicine trainer and used to prevent this sort of dry skin by dipping my hands in the melted paraffin machines, which were used for treating some injuries. Those were the days!

Filling ice bags; fun
Football practice almost done
'Get me some ice, now'

I need to go to the post office and get some stamps. Bloody hell!

PERSONAL NOTE: Thank you for the tickets on Friday night. The show was amazing!

CONFIDENTIAL NOTE: Let's put those photography skills to work!

04 November 2008

See ya lata, alligata – NOLA Part V

Current mood: sassy

"If being with you here makes me sane
I fear I'll go crazy if you leave my side
You've got wits, you've got looks, you've got passion
But are you brave enough to leave with me tonight?"
~ "As Lovers Go" by Dashboard Confessional

Sunday morning was a reminder that I am not conditioned for non-stop drinking and partying. I felt as if someone had beaten me while I slept. I was a tad crabby and knew that consuming alcohol before noon would NOT improve the mood. We decided that we would spend our early afternoon in the French Quarter buying souvenirs and enjoying the sites before we drove out to City Park for our final day of Voodoo.

I bought a miniature license plate for a dear friend, because I thought it would make him laugh. I also invested funds into several small trinkets. Lastly, I bought t-shirts for the twins and a ton of postcards to mail out. Then when the sun actually passed the "noon" mark, we headed over to everyone's favourite daiquiri place, Mango Mango, where Ali-Son bought RPN and me White Russians. She bought a Hurricane for herself. Crossing the street, we walked into a PoBoy shop for lunch. There was far too much food and we could have easily split our orders. That's New Orleans for you!

We did a little more shopping then left for Voodoo. When we arrived, Dashboard Confessional was singing. We found a place by the fence line where we could spread our blanket. The day was sunny and in the mid eighties. I wanted to close my eyes and enjoy the sunshine. We were sitting in front of a small group of teenagers. They were pretty quiet until one of their friends arrived. We'll call him "Dr. MJ" because he was the utmost expert on marijuana use. Seriously, the kid may have had a PhD in narcotics based on the conversation he had with his friends.

He explained that his 250 dollar glass bong was custom-made for his personal use. He went on and on about his trip to Amsterdam with his sister and how he has connections in California to acquire medicinal-grade pot that is the best one can get here in the States. His words – not mine. It wasn't until he started talking about pot chapstick and eye drops (yes, eye drops), that make your eyes bright and white, while still getting you high. His buddy said in all seriousness, "really? I need those for work." And then, when the bong was passed back to Dr. MJ, he declined, saying, "no thanks, I don't need anymore, I'm all kinds of fucked up". By this time, we three girls had a case of the giggles that could not be quelled. The kid was absolutely hilarious. Ali-Son turned around and said to him, "You need to have your own TV show". And he grinned responding, "I know. Totally. My friends all say I could write a pot sitcom." Unfortunately, we had to relocate stages, forcing us to leave Dr. MJ and his entertainment crew.

Our new location was soft and comfy in the grass. I took a nap in-between flirting with the guys next to us and drinking Sparks which is an alcoholic malt beverage mixed with an energy drink. It tastes nasty as hell – but is still somewhat enticing to drink. After Lupe Fiasco, I woke up and we went to get dinner in the food vending area. We ate while watching panic at the Disco. The flies were everywhere – but luckily for us, they preferred the eaten corn cob to us. At one point, there must have been 20 flies feasting on the abandoned corn. We found it fascinating!

The sun was going down by this point and we were regretful that we had forgotten our hoodies in the morning. It was getting chilly, fast. I decided that it was time to call in a favor. I texted California Guy and asked him if he would mind driving down to City Park and bringing me a long sleeve shirt. And he agreed. So, during REM, I walked out to meet him and get the shirt. Once REM was over (which was earlier than expected because they cut the show short), he walked us girls back to the car and verified that we were safely ensconced in the Hyundai.

Thanks to Ali-Son's amazing compass in her brain, we shortly thereafter found ourselves crossing a bridge and heading into "the lower 9th ward". For those not familiar with New Orleans – this is not where three unarmed girls want to find themselves late at night (or during the day). The best part was when Ali-Son looked up at a sign and said, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh, we're in the 9th ward. This is not where I meant to go." Roly Poly Nicoly and I just laughed at the absurdity. On our way OUT of the neighborhood, we saw a handwritten sign that said, "see ya lata" followed by a picture of an alligata.

The rest of the trip is confidential. If you want details, you'll have to think of creative torture methods. Because I am sworn to secrecy!

Peace Out!

03 November 2008

What could I have possibly been thinking? – NOLA Part IV

Current mood: angsty

you tear down all my reason
you see through all i hide
you make me perfect
help me get inside
~ "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails

Saturday Night at Voodoo Fest was NOT my first concert-going experience. That being said, the large amounts of alcohol must have altered my good judgment because I thought it would be a 'smart move' to wear $1.00 flip-flops from Target to the show. Granted, they were my Little Miss Naughty flip-slops that I bought in San Diego, and I thought they could possibly inspire me to be a little naughty and get Trent Reznor's attention. Still, they were flip-flops.

Once the show started, I knew that I had to move forward into the crowd if I wanted to see Trent better! Ali-Son and RPN wanted to stay back – so we agreed on a meeting point and I took off for the front. It was a slow process, as people were packed tightly and I was wearing shoes that were not conducive to moving forward at a rapid pace. On my trip forward, a girl grabbed my hand and asked if I could help her move up in the crowd. I agreed; but warned her that if she let go of my hand, I was not going back for her. She kept up for a while, until the crowd got pretty rough, and unbalanced. I asked her if she was okay, she acknowledged that she was but that she was not going any further. I bid her farewell and started to take another step when my damn right flip-flop broke. Bloody Hell!

I had to make a choice – do I stay where I am and remain with the shoe?; do I leave the shoe behind and risk my right foot?; or do I attempt to repair the flip-flop?

I went with door number 3. I asked the guy next to me how old he was. He said 20 – which meant I did not feel badly holding on to him while I stood on one foot and picked up my broken shoe with the other. Luckily for me, these particular flip-flops are quite durable and I was able to make a patch-work repair. And, as a way of saying thank you to the guy who kept me upright while I made the repairs, I asked him if he wanted to move up more. He did, so I grabbed his hand and we were soon within 5 rows of people to the stage. It is always easier for girls to move forward in the crowd than guys – so he was appreciative of our new vantage point.

I spent the rest of the show, in front of 20 year old boy and next to the most beautiful transvestite I have ever seen. She was gorgeous and in a costume similar to what you would see in the musical Chicago. I laughed when she asked if I wanted to feel her rabbit fur. Turns out, she really had rabbit fur on her costume, and it was rather soft.

The show was long and I was gross and sweaty from the New Orleans heat and the tightly packed people. Still, the show was incredible and while I did not actually get to touch Trent Reznor, I know that he wanted me to have done so. Maybe when he is here in a few weeks. I won't wear flip-flops next time.
After the show, I caught up with the girls and we headed to the Haunted Mortuary. It is truly a haunted mortuary; but it is also a haunted house attraction for Halloween. California Guy texted several times during the show and asked us to come over for a party they were having. Ali-Son and RPN said that maybe after we went through the mortuary we could swing by the party. I let him know.

Once we arrived at the attraction, we got in line and waited to buy tickets. It was then that I had a horrible feeling rush over me. And that feeling clearly told me to get out of line and NOT go in that building. I love haunted houses, but I trust my intuition. I told Ali-Son that I was not going in. She asked me if I was serious. I told her that based on the gut feeling I had; there was no way in hell I was walking through there. I let them know I would wait outside for them and got out of line.

Sitting by the flagpole, I patiently waited. Four Army soldiers were guarding the area and they asked me where my smile was. They then called me over by them and we spent the next 40 minutes or so talking and laughing. California Guy called me and one of the soldiers elected to talk to him. It turns out that CG wasn't comfortable with me just standing by myself on a New Orleans street at midnight. The good sergeant explained that I had 4 armed guards until my friends came out of the haunted house. And they all agreed with me for not going in there if I had a bad feeling. We had fun and I really did feel pretty safe with 4 army guys keeping watch over me.

Ali-Son and Roly-Poly Nicoly came out and we bid farewell to the soldiers. Of course, they were too tired to go to the party, so we headed home and I called CG and explained that I was under lock-down and could not leave. I also spoke to his roommate and his brother – all of whom tried to talk me into going over anyway. But, in the end, I obeyed the directive given to me and stayed where I was.

Eventually, we all fell asleep and dreamt about what Sunday would bring.

Please turn the page for Part Five.

Eidetic Vision

Main Entry: ei·det·ic Pronunciation: I-'det-ik Function: adjective : marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall especially of visual images - an eidetic memory Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.